Siobhan Fitzpatrick, et al. v. Shelby Gonzales, et al.
Court: 241st Judicial District Court, Smith County, Texas
Cause No.: 13-0071-C
Trial Date: December 1 – 2, 2014.
Summary: Plaintiffs (Siobhan and her brother Byron Taylor) sued Shelby and her father (negligent entrustment) alleging neck and back injuries from a side-impact collision that occurred on the loop in Tyler. Brother defaulted by not showing up at trial. He was pro se. We stipulated to liability on the accident, and just tried the case on damages.
Case Type: Personal Injury
Economic Damages: $17,577.53 plus unspecified future medical.
Last demand: $85,000.00
Evaluated Amount: $9,200.00 (between the two plaintiffs; $4,500 for Siobhan, and $4,700 for Byron Tyalor)
Verdict: $0.00
Jury put $0’s in every blank.