Sandra Texada v. Allstate Insurance Company
217th District Court, Angelina County, Texas
Cause No.: CV-00514-15-08
Trial Date: June 21-22, 2016
Summary: Plaintiff was stopped on her way to a family reunion in Alexandria, Louisiana. She was on a state highway, waiting for a car that was stopped in front of her to make a left turn. She was rear-ended at highway speed, and the collision did a great deal of property damage to both vehicle. Plaintiff suffered a broken big-toe on her right foot. She had a surgery to repair the toe three weeks after the accident. She had a few post-op visits, and had a cortisone shot six weeks before trial to help with the swelling.
Case Type: Personal Injury
Economic Damages: $19,795.00
Verdict: $23,710.00
Offset: $32,500.00
EA: 0.00 after offset
Since the carrier had an offset of $32,500.00, there was no recovery for Plaintiff.