Isaac Burke v. Christopher Jennings

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Isaac Burke v. Christopher Jennings

Court: 241st District Court, Smith County

Cause No.: 11-2886-C

Trial Date: March 5, 2013

Summary: Plaintiff and Defendant arrived at a four-way stop almost simultaneously. It was disputed who arrived first. Plaintiff was on a motorcycle, and was to the Defendant’s right. Both Plaintiff and Defendant entered the intersection at the same time and collided. Plaintiff was taken by EMS to the ER. His primary injury was to his right knee. He treated with his primary care physician thereafter.

Economic Damages Claimed: $20,000.00 + in medical bills plus unspecified lost wages as Plaintiff was unemployed at the time of the accident and looking for a job, but claimed he could not work for a period of time due to his knee injury.

Case Type: Personal Injury

Last Demand: $25,000.00

Evaluated Amount: $1,000.00

Verdict: No liability

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